Thursday, April 24, 2008


I am hoping that its true that most 'expecting' parents feel overwhelmed at some point in their pregnancy. Today we got a package from the agency filled with papers to sign, forms that we need to have filled out and have notarized, stuff we need to do and to top it all off a fee schedule. None of this is new - we knew it was coming - but all of a sudden it seems like a mountain of work and a huge dose of reality. I keep telling myself that this is the fun part - this is the part we have control over. In a few months all this info will be in the hands of one government and then another and we will just have to sit back and wait for other people to make decisions that will affect the rest of our lives.

So mostly we just need to take a deep breath and make a list or two (if you know me - you will know that i am queen of the list makers) and get at it. Eyes on the prize -by the time we hold our baby in our arms we will have forgotten all about reference letters and appointments with the lawyer.

One exciting thing that happened this week is that we got signed up for the PRIDE training. It is a mandatory parenting course that all perspective adoptive parents in Ontario must take. This is a new requirement implemented just this year. Part of me thinks that anyone can have a baby - why are we penalized with this expensive course - but the other part is totally excited to learn about what it will be like to parent an adopted child. We have been reading some books that have shed some light on the topic but look forward to hearing 'real live people' talking about their experiences. Our presenter has adopted a child from Ethiopia so that is kind of cool.

So, this week it really feels like things are moving along. This whole adoption thing is happening. Wow. Pretty exciting.


disclaimer: if you haven't noticed yet... i have a feeling that this blog will be a bit of an emotional outlet for me. My cousin Lorie will tell you that my (mostly) daily emails to her are a good therapy for me when i am going through 'stuff'. So... take it or leave it. I won't be offended if you find the emotional rantings of an 'expecting' mom to be a bit much to handle. Just remember poor Mike puts up with it all the time and loves me anyway! :) Oh - the other disclaimer I wanted to make is that i am a terrible speller and even worse when it comes to grammer - deal with it.

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