Tuesday, July 14, 2009

black monday

yesterday our world fell apart. Our dreams and our hearts have been crushed. we are numb. We found out that our agency - Imagine Adoption has gone bankrupt. This pretty much means the end of our adoption. We choose this agency and this route because we felt it was our best chance of having a family - ever. The thought of getting into another line some where else is just so insane right now. Some say there may be hope for our file and another agency picking us up as clients but i doubt they will do it for free and we are at our limit. we are grieving the loss of our child and the hope that we once had.
We are thankful for our friends and families. for the calls and emails and facebooks and cookies. we haven't responded much - we will in time. we just need time to process. if you want to know details - check out the imagine website - globe and mail - CTV - any news site - its everywhere. We are also thankful for your prayers - cause right now we don't have the words to say so we are counting on you to lift us up. we know we are not the only ones - there are so many just like us. we have all suffered so much already and this just seems to be so surreal.


Karen said...

Sending hugs from a distance and definitely lifting you up...words are insufficient.

Stephanie said...

My heart is hurting for you. Know that you are in my prayers.

Big hugs,


The Turgeon Expansion said...

I'm so sorry for both of you and your dreams. Please don't ever give up on having a family!!!

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Mike - I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. You were the first thing that I thought of when I heard the news - you are in my prayer and in my thoughts.

Melissa said...
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Unknown said...

Hello, we are in the same situation. Please do not give up hope. In the last few days I have been over whelmed by the intellegence and resourcefulness of the families. The government seems open to helping the families and a corporate donor has stepped up to fund the transition home.

We lost our first adoption and I know the pain. Please just give it some time and a miracle may happen.

Take care of yourselves! Andrea

shannon said...

Brenda and Mike,
Thinking of you both, as our files and thus our babies would have been roommates if not crib mates !
Well we are pulling it up and full of hope, this is what is keeping me going. I am not sure if you are a member but if you want , join the et yahoo group.
We are trying to hold each other up and working hard to keep things moving. It has helped me so much this past week. Sending you some good thoughts.

Duane A said...

Psalm 30:5 I pray this for you.

Kendra said...

Hey Brenda and Mike,

Thanks for the boost. I wont be at the meeting on Thursday due to working on the road this summer. I will be anxiously awaiting news on my blackberry as to what happened and hoping for good news. Stay strong, I am hoping for a good outcome!