Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I mentioned in my last post, that we were getting our shots. Yep, we did. We are officially pin cushions!!!

A while back our sweet, wonderful, compassionate and ever optimistic family Dr suggested we get in sooner than later for our travel shots. It can some times take up to 6 weeks to get an appointment - so i finally did it. They wanted to know exactly where we are going (don't know), when we are going (don't know) and all that good stuff. The amazing part was that the RN was an BTDT adoptive mom with a son from Korea and daughter from South Africa. So, she knew her stuff and understood our vague info and gave us our shots anyway. Kind of funny - i remember the first lady that took our finger prints also was an adoptive mom. Anyway - it was nice to meet her and talk to some one who gets it!!! Thanks nice RN lady!!!!

Anyhoo - back to the shots. I got a polio top up, Yellow Fever and the first Twinrix shot. I go back for the 2nd Twinrix shot and we are still out for debate on the Typhoid - Karen what do you think - do we need it? and what kind of Malaria we need. MIke got 4 shots. On our first trip we hope to do some travelling - don't know exactly where yet. We came away with info overload, sore arms, a huge bill and a smile on my face - knowing that we can stroke 'shots' off our list. It feels so good to be able to DO something again. I think that is the hardest part - the not being able to DO anything

So, we are ready to leave now any time - got our shots - now just bring on the referral!!!!


Kendra said...

Oh a referral would be super fun!

Krista said...

Yes - bring on the referral! I want to see some super good news!

Karen said...

Sorry Brenda- I somehow missed seeing this post. I did go with the typhoid vaccine when we traveled and although we didn't travel in any rural areas I think it is worth it- I believe there can be strains of it that are difficult to diagnose and that do not respond to antibiotics. I didn't take anything for malaria as we we were only going to be in Addis...good for you guys for being ready. Now the next post I hope to read is the crazy excited one where you have your referral :)