Thursday, June 16, 2011

not nothin

WE HAVE A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got the call today - story to follow

he is the sweetest thing ever!!!

7 months old - born Nov 28/10

cute as can be

so excited

praising God for His faithfulness and goodness to us and to baby

his name is Devin Shawn Bedilu

must try to sleep


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOOOOOODNNNNNEESSSS!!!!! i just randomly clicked on your link not expecting an update since i read yours yesterday and YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't even read your whole message. i am so excited that has just made my day!!!!


Angela Sandau said...

So happy for you! Congrats to you, Mike and the entire extended family. Betty would be so pleased! I love his name. I can hardly wait to see Devin. Addis is looking forward to his new friend being home. I can't wait to follow the journey. I am looking forward to sharing your joy and seeing your pictures and hearing about all your experiences. Celebrating with you & Mike! Love & prayers for all three Mannings. Congrats again Mom & Dad!

Anonymous said...

AND I just re-read for the 10th time your blog and realized he has the same bday as M!! Just 4 years later!!!

Janice again

Tammy said...

So thrilled for you! A long time coming! Enjoy the pics!

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking on your blog forever and am so pleased for your family! Congratulations to the three of you. Boys are fun!

Kendra said...

I am so super happy for you! I cannot wait to hear the whole story!!!

Gwen said...

What a day to have found your blog! I clicked randomly on someone's link (not knowing that you were the Brenda from the group), and found a referral post! :) Congratulations to you, and may your court date come really soon!

Sharla said...

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wonderful news! I am so excited for you! Can hardly wait to hear the story!

BCMommy said...

Yay!!! So excited for you, Brenda!!! I just found your blog via Tammy :)

I can't wait to hear your referral story. They always give me goosebumps!


Derrick, Alysia, and Levi said...

Whooooohooooooo!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOO very happy for you. I just read your blog yesterday and was just aching for you. I have followed your journey closely since we started our dte dates were originally only two months apart, and I have just so hoped that your arms and hearts would be filled with the same joy we have been blessed with. And now you are!!!! That makes me just so VERY VERY happy!! Praise God and blessings to all THREE of you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So excited for you, enjoy the referral high!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Yay!!! Sooo glad you finally get to post about your referral!!! Can't wait to hear the whole story!!

Steph :-)

CinnamonOpus said...

Oh wonderful! Congratulations! Not nuthin' indeed!

Enjoy your referral high, Mom and Dad! And here's hoping for the speediest of court dates and paperwork so you can bring your son home.

shannon said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yahoooooo

So trilled for all three of you.
Loved the news and extra special to me as we share the same DTE !!!!!!!!!!!

Love it you made my week and thanks for breaking the dry spell on referrals.

I bet this will be one very very perfect
Fathers Day
Enjoy the photo, I cant wait to hear more details

Thinking and celebrating with you

Maria said...

OMG!!! This is just wonderful news!! FINALLY! Enjoy every moment and those pictures!!! Soooo happy for you guys!


Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S a ticker I can enjoy!!!!! Hope it's a short one!


Anonymous said...

I have been silently following your journey but wanted to wish you a HUGE congratulations!!!

Mama to Xavier 2.5

Ashleigh said...

Yay! Congratulations...our wee one is only 3 days younger! :) So excited for you

Heidi said...

OMG that is just terrific news. Soooooo happy for you and your new little man. Many blessings ahead for you all.


darci said...

A huge congratulations to you both. :) amazing how life can change in a happy for you. Darci

Janice said...

This is wonderful news. I can't wait to hear more.



Judy said...

I have been following your blog through Karen's blog. I have continued to check to see how your adventure was progressing. It has been a long, hard wait but I am so excited for you. Congratulations.

Krista said...

I really should read my Google Reader more often! This is the BEST news!! Eek!!

Natalie and Chris said...

so excited for you all. Congratulations. All these great referrals coming through for all great families. Wishing you smooth sailing from this point on.